If you would like, you can post your collage of all the paintings you painted in this challenge. Instructions on how to create your collage were posted on yesterday's blog post.
This challenge was amazing. Because of all of you! Thanks again for joining me!
Well. You did it! Doesn't it feel awesome to be done??? Time to celebrate. And clean your house. And hug your spouse. And clean your studio!
Seriously, it's awesome that you participated in this challenge. I would love to know in the comments below how it went. What was the best thing that happened in this 30 in 30? Tomorrow you can post a collage of all of the paintings that you completed in the 30 in 30. I usually create my collage with an on-line program called picmonkey. Just go to PicMonkey and select "create a collage". You can use one of their designs or you can design your own. To make a collage with 30 photos you will need to design your own with six rows and five columns (or you can use one with close to 30 spaces and just add the additional ones). Then you can drag your uploaded photos in to the collage until you are done. (When you drag in a photo, you can see where to place the photos as you move them around. If you move them around carefully a small gray bar will appear and you can create columns and rows by adding more photos.) One suggestion I have for you is to be sure to use lower resolution photos as it won't upload very large file sizes. If you try to upload all 30 and it won't do it, just re-size your photos until it works! It's a fun tool to use. You can change the width and color of the grid lines between the photos and then save the completed collage as a jpeg on your computer. Please post your collages here! And it doesn't matter how many paintings you completed. Create a collage to show off the paintings you created this month. And post it on this blog tomorrow!
Ok. One more day. One more day left. Time to start a little pre-celebration! You are all so awesome. Congratulations.
Holy smokes. We only have two more days left in the challenge! Our final post will be on March 3rd when we will all post a collage of the paintings we completed during the challenge. It doesn't matter if you finished three or thirty, you still should post a collage.
I promise I will help to show you how to create the collage.
We only have three more days left! And in case I forgot to mention it, this challenge will happen for the first two days in March so we can finish all thirty paintings!
Congratulations. You are almost done!
It's day twenty-five! I took a big trip out of the house today. It felt so good to get off of the couch!
I love to create paintings with shapes. Don't ask me why, but circles are the bomb. I love these!
We are officially one week away from completion. I love this challenge and every single artist that has joined us. You are all awesome.
I don't know about you, but suddenly the Olympics have gotten REALLY exciting. I cried today watching the finish of the women's cross country dual team event. If you saw it, then you know what I mean. If you didn't, then you are probably laughing out loud that I cried over a cross country event.
Then I just watched the thrilling finish of the women's hockey. Holy cow. What a match. And now, back to painting. You are all champions in my book. And you are in the home stretch. I am so excited for every single one of you. |